

10465 Uppsatser om Boundless work - Sida 1 av 698


The purpose of this study was to get an idea of ??how the leaders in the real estate industry perceive and manage Boundless working conditions. Questions that were answered were how the leaders in the service influence and control the employees' working conditions. Also how the communication strategies are designed to facilitate the work towards common goals, when tasks are not limited to the workplace. The study examine if Boundless working conditions is characterized by unspoken expectations.

Män som mikroföretagare : Hur beskriver de balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv?

The aim of this study was to explore how six men who run a micro-enterprisewith a maximum of 10 employees handle the balance between work and otherlife. Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was conducted and thesample consisted of six men with micro-enterprises of varying ages. The themesused in the interviews were Boundless work, roles, boundaries strategies anddemand / control - social support. The results showed that micro- entrepreneursdo not experience any major imbalance between work and other life. The studyrevealed that the division of roles in the home of the elderly respondents was ofthe classical gender character that woman took great responsibility in the home.Among the younger respondents the unpaid work at home was equal divided.Social support was perceived highly by all respondents, and they alsoexperienced a high level of control over the requirements of the job.

Gränslöst. En global utställning på Historiska museet

This thesis is a report concerning the practical aspects on exhibition techniques. During an internship at the National History Museum in Stockholm I participated in the work with their new, temporary exhibition Gränslöst - en global utställning på Historiska museet [Boundless - a global voyage of discovery at the National Historical Museum]. I was part of a small project team of museum staff. The purpose of this exhibition was to show how cultures have met and influenced each other throughout history. The National Historical Museum has in its collections and exhibitions several examples of objects that has been imported from or inspired by other cultural areas.

Humorns gränslösa begränsningar och möjligheter : En studie av humorns praktiker utifrån exemplet samtida ståuppkomik

For this study I use a critical realism approach and the aim with the thesis is to elucidate humor as a socially reflexive tool. My investigation has its starting point in the stand-up comedy arena, which I mean can exemplify a social context where the communication is focused around humor. I mean that humor can be used to create imaginary variations of the knowledge and truths, which we live our lives according to. The asymmetrical interpretations of the socially reflexive tool humor can be used to identify, elucidate, and cope with the diverging truths of life. But even though humor has boundless possibilities to reshape knowledge, it is also limited by the social contexts where it is mediated and by the involved individuals that create the humor or sanction the humor positive and/or negative..

Hur hanteras balansen mellan arbete och privatliv? : En kvalitativ studie på personalchefers upplevelser

Arbetskraven på kvinnor och män är idag högre än tidigare och gränsen mellan arbete och privatliv har mer eller mindre suddats ut, vilket kan påverka hälsan negativt. Tack vare dagens teknik kan anställda vara tillgängliga i en större grad, och arbetet går att utföra på fler ställen än på själva arbetsplatsen. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur individer med aktiva arbeten hanterar balansen mellan arbete och privatliv, och om de med aktiva arbeten kan drabbas av ohälsa på grund av arbetet. Aktiva arbeten innebär de arbeten med hög kontroll och höga krav som enligt Karaseks krav/kontrollmodell är de arbeten som sägs vara de "bästa" arbetena, för att prestera högt utan att drabbas av ohälsa. I den här studien har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts, i form av intervjuer med sju respondenter som går inom de aktiva arbetena.

Arbetsmiljöarbetet på SverigesBostadsrättsCentrum : Vad ändringarna i arbetsmiljölagen innebär

This diploma work was performed because the company Sveriges BostadsrättsCentrum, with the abbreviation SBC, had a need to gain insight into how changes in the Work Environment Act and related regulations which took effect January 1, 2009 affecting their work with the work environment. The changes mean that the client may hand over his work environment responsibilities to a contractor and that he has to select so-called building work environment co-ordinators. At SBC they are working as representatives for tenant-owner's association when a construction is about to be carried out. The purpose was to ascertain how changes may affect the work at SBC. The diploma work intends to educate the staff at SBC how work with the work environment would look like if they met the regulatory requirements.

Arbetsmiljöarbete och ansvarsförhållanden enligt arbetsmiljölagen

This study deals with work environment from a legal perspective. The study includes legislative history, legislation today and one empirical study. The legislation that concerns work environment (health and safety) in Sweden today is found in the Swedish Work Environment Act (WEA), the Work Environment Ordinance (WEO), Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, related legislations and also collective agreements. The WEA, passed by the parliament in 1977, came into force on the 1st of July 1978 and it defines the framework for Provisions issued by the Work Environment Authority, which is an authority superintended by the Swedish government. These Provisions contain more detailed stipulations and obligations with reference to the working environment.

"Ett arbete som aldrig kommer att sluta" : Mellanchefers upplevelser av det systematiska arbetsmiljöarbetet

Work environment has been an important part of the Swedish working life for a long time and with the help of the Working Environment Law the work environment is mandatory. The purpose of this study was to gain a deeper insight into how the system of middle managers systematic work environment looks like. The question was: How do six middle managers perceive and deal with systematic work environment? A qualitative study was conducted with six middle managers from a global company. During the analysis, there were three main themes to be recognized (cooperation and support facilitates the work environment, problem with the systematic work and difficulties with staff) and six sub themes.

Utomhuspedagogik : En studie om utomhuspedagogik i samspel med svenska

AbstractThis study deals with outdoor education together with Swedish language teaching. In my future profession as a teacher I want to be able to offer my pupils varied, discovering and exploring lessons focused on nature. The aim of this study is to throw light upon outdoor teaching, hoping that more people will discover nature as the right place to learn.In my study I have asked these questions:? What is outdoor education?? How can Swedish be taught out of doors?? Why is this method a good complement to the traditional teaching in the classroom?With these questions in wiev I made three qualitative interviews with teachers with different backgrounds. In addition I have planned, taught and evaluated the lesson that is the basis of the result.Outdoor education should be given increasing time in school and be used as a complement to the traditional teaching in the classroom.

Rytmik för Skådespelare - Vad kan en rytmikpedagog tillföra i en högre teaterutbildning?

Skådespelaryrket kräver mycket av en människa både intellektuellt, färdighetsmässigt och fysiskt. Det förväntas också ofta av en skådespelare att vara musikalisk. Musikalitet kan yttra sig på olika sätt. I skådespelarsammanhang vill jag påstå att musikalitet kan finnas i allt från texthantering till hur man rör sin kropp. Jag är rytmikpedagog, men har också arbetat som skådespelare.

Arbetslag och tidspress - En studie av lärarutbildares arbetssituation

This essay investigates the work situation for teacher educators at a university with focus on the subject areas education, research and administration. The research questions contain the work situation the teacher educators have, how they apprehend it, and how they find their position within the work organisation. Six interviews have been executed at the teacher education at a university. Some of the results from the investigation indicate that the teacher educators find education to be very a very demanding work and that the split of work during the academic year is uneven. The work with administration before and after the education, for example work with syllabuses and descriptions for courses, are activities demanding much time.

Minoritetsspråk och biblioteket : En komparativ analys av minoritetsspråkens ställning i samhället och på biblioteket i Sverige och Finland

The following thesis in library- and information science is a qualitative, comparative analysis of the relationship between the minority populations in Sweden and Finland and the library. The objective with the thesis is to investigate how the state is working to promote minority groups at the library and what lead to today?s situation. The investigation starts, as regards time, with the European charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which was published 1992 and ends with the establishment of the Swedish library law 2014. The method that is used will be a comparative analysis that aims to compare Sweden and Finland.

Arbetets värde. Om ungdomars uppfattningar kring arbetets betydelse.

The aim of this study is to examine the perception of work of young men and women. A central problem that the study focus on is how young men and women value work, what do they expect to get out of work, and what are their experiences of work. The study also examines what work value and work mean for them. Eight young men and women between the ages of 22-25, currently working in different field, were interviewed. The individuals interviewed had different educational backgrounds.

The Complexities of Lifestyle Brand Segmentation - A Study of the Lifestyle Brand Converse

This master thesis takes its point of departure in the conflicting worldviews of modernism and post-modernism. As traditional segmentation theory springs from the modernist worldview, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the complexity regarding market segmentation for lifestyle brands in contemporary society, where the consumer is often claimed to be post-modern. The research was conducted in Malmö and Lund and involved 25 Converse users as respondents. The methods used in this thesis starts with observations as a sampling technique in order to locate the respondents. Short interviews and photo documentation followed.

Personliga assistenters fysiska arbetsmiljö utifrån arbetsledares perspektiv

Abstract:Because personal assistance is relatively new in social care in Sweden we were interested in to get more knowledge in how supervisors for personal assistants worked. In our study we choosed to look into how the supervisors worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. The questions we wanted to found answers for in this study was, which work directions the supervisors for personal assistants have around the physical work environment, which legal provisions there were around the physical work environment for the personal assistants and how the supervisors experienced the work with the physical work environment for the personal assistants. We did a qualitative interview study with supervisors for personal assistants. We realised in our study that there were big differences in how the supervisors for personal assistants worked with the physical work environment for the personal assistants.

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